Fiche cheval not a few

bridge of weir handicapR2C1plathappy valley1800 M10210411 partantsDépart 10:40
11me timeH44p4p2p7p9ppurton z.3/101:49
22go go goH54p5p2p1p2pwong e.c.w.16/11/2 l
311sunny babyH78p9p8p6p2pthompson b.25/12 l 1/2
46running aheadH66p6p4p9p0phewitson l.10/11/2 l
58turtle againH53p0p3p0p0pleung k.c.8.75/1cte tete
69harry's heroH44p0p0p7p5pchadwick m.6.1/11 l 1/4
77mister foxH56p6p8p8p0ppoon m.f.32/1cte tete
85chateau le pecheH45p2p3p0p7pchau c.l.4.45/1encolure
93super hong kongH76p0p0p9p4pchung y.l.32/12 l
104not a fewH47p5p4p0p0pferraris l.9.4/14 l
1110telecom bulletH48p0p0p0p0pde melo k.90/13/4 l

the pearce memorial challenge cup (handicap) - section 2R6C5plathappy valley1650 M13652712 partantsDépart 12:40
12setantaH72p7p1p5p3pferraris l./101:39
21i canH54p2p1p6p7patzeni a./11 l 1/2
35can't go wongH62p4p3p2p3pteetan k./13 l 1/2
48not a fewH40p0p0p9p0pchung y.l./11 l 1/4
54atomic beautyH56p2p1p3p4pavdulla b./1cte tete
612the khanH40p5p5p6p6pbadel a./11/2 l
73star lineH47p7p6p9p9pde melo k./1encolure
810amazing boyH70p6p1p8p5pchadwick m./1encolure
96togepiH60p0p0p6p7phewitson l./1tete
107fast victoryH50p0p3p8p5pchau c.l./11 l
119tiger and goldH50p0p0p0pthompson b./13 l 1/2
1211harry's heroH45p8p7p7p4phamelin a./13/4 l

chantilly handicap - section 1R7C2plathappy valley1650 M13652712 partantsDépart 11:10
15cordyceps oneH70p7p2p1p6pwong e.c.w./101:40
29brave witnessH50p4p0p2p6pteetan k./11 l 3/4
310fruity warriorH40p4p9p9phewitson l./11/2 l
48running boyH50p0p8p0pho c.y./11/2 l
56setantaH73p6p7p0p0pferraris l./11/2 l
63volcanic sparkH54p9p3p1pbentley h./11 l 3/4
712cheong fatH65p7p9p5p4pyeung m.l./13/4 l
81d starH50p3p8p8p9pchung y.l./11 l
97absolute sunshineH50p0p8p9p6pchau c.l./1encolure
1011dragon prideH80p1p0p9p5pthompson b./11 l 3/4
114not a fewH49p0p6p0p0patzeni a./1cte tete
122excel wongchoyH49p8p0p0pbadel a./130 l

the lusitano challenge cup (handicap) - section 1R6C5plathappy valley1650 M13652712 partantsDépart 12:40
11glorious journeyH58p9p6pchadwick m./101:40
29sure joyfulH67p2p1p(23)3ppoon m.f./11/2 l
311atomic beautyH54p6p3p3p3pavdulla b./11 l 3/4
410mr aladdinH53p5p6p0p2pbentley h./11 l 3/4
58sturdy rubyH57p2p2p5pbowman h./1encolure
63windicator familyH58p7p0p(23)9pbadel a./1nez
712keen unityH52p9p9p(23)9pyeung m.l./1cte tete
85devas twelveH53p1p2p5ppurton z./12 l
94not a fewH40p6p0p0pde melo k./1encolure
107gallant crownH82p8p7p6p9pleung k.c./13/4 l
116wood on fireH96p8p0p9p0pteetan k./12 l 1/2
122good luck winH50p8p0pferraris l./1encolure

ma wan handicapR2C7plathappy valley1650 M19837312 partantsDépart 13:45
13show respectH46p6p9p(23)5pbentley h./101:40
212keen unityH59p9p(23)9p2pyeung m.l./11 l 1/2
35joy of springH53p0p5p(23)7pavdulla b./11/2 l
49brave witnessH50p2p6p0p7pde melo k./11/2 l
56mr aladdinH56p0p2p(23)5pteetan k./1cte tete
68atomic beautyH53p3p3p3pchung y.l./1tete
74sturdy rubyH52p2p5p(23)3ppurton z./13/4 l
810gold tackH66p0p4p(23)3pbadel a./11 l
97mayhemH52p4p(23)4p8patzeni a./11 l 3/4
1011the concentrationH49p8p(23)9p8ppoon m.f./14 l 1/2
112not a fewH46p0p0p(23)0pferraris l./12 l 1/2
121i keep winningH50p0p0p(23)0pchau c.l./19 l

wai yip handicap - section 2R2C2plathappy valley1650 M13652712 partantsDépart 11:10
12charity bingoH49p8p(23)9p0pavdulla b.5.75/101:41
23red majestyH85p(23)0p0p0pteetan k.5.95/1encolure
38atomic beautyH53p3p(23)1p0ppurton z.3.1/12 l
47to infinityH68p8p(23)1p9pchung y.l.20/11/2 l
56cheong fatH64p(23)4p0p6phewitson l.8.7/1encolure
61not a fewH40p0p(23)0pchadwick m.32/11 l
79aromaticaH50p(23)5p7p0pleung k.c.17/1encolure
84invincible missileH99p(23)0p4p7pbentley h.9.05/1encolure
910the concentrationH48p(23)9p8p9pthompson b.76/11 l 1/2
1012red maverickH50p0p(23)0p0pmo h.t.109/17 l 1/2
115tiger and goldH5Inédita.hamelin39/13/4 l
1211club sodaH55p4p(23)0p0patzeni a.7.1/11 l 1/4